Change Password
Moisture Mapper strives to meet high IT standards and best practices; ensuring a secure and robust computing platform. In order to meet that goal you are required to make periodic changes to the password used to login to Moisture Mapper. This means you must:
  • Have a minimum password length of eight complex characters (alpha, numeric, upper and lower case) .
  • Change your passwords every ninety days.
  • Not use any of your last five passwords.
As a security precaution, more than five (5) invalid password attempts will lock any user's account access. If an account is locked, only a user at the "Company Administrator" user level will be able to reset the user's account. Please address any questions you might have to our support center at

Old Password :
New Password :
Re-Enter New Password :
Change Password
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Moisture Mapper and the Moisture Mapper logo are trademarks of Moisture Mapper International, Inc